Profile PictureGeorge Athanasiou

Some of (my) Life’s Hard-Earned Lessons Learned, Concentrated Amalgam of a Life Journey…

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Some of (my) Life’s Hard-Earned Lessons Learned, Concentrated Amalgam of a Life Journey…

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Before you spend your money on me, please have a thorough look at what I’m saying word by word.

Only then shall you be able to deduce whether it’s worth grabbing the ebook.

Please promise me that you'll do it.


This is a rare and unique project because it’s been created by a mortal member of the masses (who seeks immortality!) and was born in a couple of days.

It's unusually expensive for its number of pages and it addresses people who are willing to pay the price for it.

It's an expensive piece of work because it contains some of my life’s hard-earned lessons learned. 

Under no circumstances am I to be excluded from this list.

I'm too, part of the game. Don’t you dare think that I'm the one who points the finger to others. Yet, I must charge a lot because:

  1. The ebook constitutes, in a way, one of (my) life’s concentrated amalgams. This tiny ebook came to life through an explosion of long-term discoveries over the course of a lifetime. Consequently, the immediate feeling I got once I completed it, is that it deserves (at least) a tiny portion of respect.
  2. By and large, few people out there can smell that something’s right about this ebook and it’s worth grabbing it. I'm addressing those people. Kinda the deep thinkers...


In order to fire on all cylinders with regards to its marketability and digestion, I used the fewest words possible, although it was infeasible at times.

How can anyone compress voluminous meanings in short extracts?

Truth is, too many words dazzle people.

When word-bombarded, people tend to lose focus; they disrespect; they don’t appreciate, and, in the end, they reject.

I reassure you I did my best to compress the meanings and make them fully digestible at the same time.

So please read carefully because all words count.


These lessons learned, therefore, are handed over as descriptive, comprehensive, paragraph-like, and randomly placed assortments of life experiences and conclusions.

They're pure snackable concentrate on human relations and other life elements, geared to spread fast.

It would be too much to charter them. There was no need to. I, therefore, invite you to consume the ebook in whole or in part, buffet-style or in order, all according to your personal taste.


I could explain why each statement is worth its merit but that would be another massive philosophical ebook—and easily rejected by quality readers because of its bulky wordy extravagance.

If readers want more explanations, they must search elsewhere...I have only bequeathed pure extractions here.

Please don’t get me wrong in any sense; I'm not trying to come forth as a saint, role model, traditionalist or nostalgist of a past ideal epoch.

Yet, these lessons are applicable in this era (I will update them when I’m 100 years old!). This is why the ebook was created in a few days. The content was as if water waits to be poured off the roof as a torrent. It just waited for the signal. I guess the timing looks right...


You may either dismiss my heritage or embrace it.

You may mock or ridicule it.

You may laugh at its price.


Who would pay this money for a piece of 25 pages of wisdom? Who am I to deserve it anyway? Why read my stuff while prominent and famous sages or thousands of others may have experienced the same, whereas wise men and women may have sipped the same cup way before me, or centuries ago?

My statements will sound too simplistic to skeptics; some points will attract arguments against them; and some conclusions are bound to appear too brutal.

I can already see the doubters’ faces!

But you can’t complain about electricity’s brutality if misused, can you? Electricity is there, is a fact. You can either heat a house with electricity or set it on fire.

So my lessons learned are like electricity. Weren’t they true and electricity-like, I wouldn’t dare publicise them, would I?

They are like laws. So, if you treat them as such you'll benefit enormously.

But it doesn’t really matter how you're going to treat my electricity-like conclusions because the natural (re)action of either dismissing or embracing them is already included as lessons learned within the ebook’s agenda. 

All I wanted, in the end, was to just pass on distilled wisdom, just in case someone out there prevents something in their lives. Forewarned is forearmed…


Wikipedia defines the term ‘’lessons learned’’ as follows:

‘’Experiences distilled from a project that should be actively taken into account in future projects.’’ Or, ‘’knowledge or understanding gained by experience. The experience may be positive, as in a successful test or mission, or negative, as in a mishap or failure... A lesson must be significant in that it has a real or assumed impact on operations; valid in that is factually and technically correct; and applicable in that it identifies a specific design, process, or decision that reduces or eliminates the potential for failures and mishaps, or reinforces a positive result.” 

This ebook is identical to the above description.

I wish you all the best


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25 pages
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